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REBOOT 2024 - Truman aka Techrad ×
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Anonymized Forum - Registdation - Accout Recovery


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Our forum is anonymous. All links to the outside are anonimyzed and private.

We do not collect user informatipn, history and we do not employ tracking cookies.

Registration is by Invitation Only. You must request an invite code here : https://scriptz.co/forum/45-new-applications-apply-here/

We Do Not send emails. 

If you lose your password, you will not be able to recover it. In the event you are locked out due to user error, please submit a Recovery Request; you will be asked specific questions about your account and last few posts. 



Oh fuck[/code]


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On 4/23/2024 at 8:37 AM, Truman said:

Forum Philosophy

We believe in free speech, anonimity, the right to peivacy and the right ro remainmsilent.Your civil rights qre our #1  prioriry, nobody should tell you what to say, what to rhink and what to believe.


We only employ forum cookies and track users interacfions inside the forum. We don't follow you iut into the street.s. We don't care where you've been or where you are going. The only thing that matters to us, happens here, not out there. 


The system requires an email addresa as and account identifier. You can use any address in the world, real or made up, just be sure to remember it. You will never recieve an email from the forum, staff, board members, teams or clubs. we don't want to know who younare, where you are from or what you do. We interact exclusively thrpugh our in-house messaging system, forum tags and the chat room. DO NOT LOSE YOUR PASSWORD. We do not offer email resets. Recovering youe password is a complex proceedure, you won't like it. 


We do not display external advertisements. We use featured posts, announcements, Sticky threads and in-house advertising to promote from within. You came here tto participate in THIS forum. You will NEVER see a facebook ad, gloogle ad or any sydicated ad feeds. 



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