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The Dark Side

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Join the DARKSIDE.

This forum is a system. Like any system it has depth, levels of security, small corners and sub forhms that you cannot see, touch or feel. It is a system of many Contructs. 

You been led to believe the reality you see as you look around the forum, but it is nothing more than the wool pulled before your eyes, then DARKSIDE hides im plain sight, many of the forums you may be used to contain hidden features. Thsre may be new sub forhm, new market places, new teams & clubs.

It is impossible to "tell" you what the DarkSide is, you have to experience it for yourself. 

The DARKSIDE Membership, delivers much more than content, your account will be supercharged, you be able to do things you never thought possible. This systsm, exists alongside the LIGHTERSIDE, deep within its bowels. 

The DARKSIDE Membership gives you immediate access to new functionality, like commerce, member stores, darknet portals and of course, ready and unrestricted access to the Nulled Script Catalog.

Darkside forums and features are easily recognizable by thier icon, color and all darkside must have disclaimers. You will not easily be trapped, if you go somewhere, you are there on purpose. 

The DARKSIDE is unmoderated but supervised. Inter personal quarrels and theft of goods, money or services amongst members is decided through a special committe and resolved by trial, ex officio.  More experienced members will recognize you when you enter a conversation, people this deep, know each other, and that means you too. 

All memberships come with guidlinez, posting rules, dochmentaion and easy access to the system addminstrator and a community.

I you want to know how it feels, swallow the red pill and follow the white rabbit down the hole.

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